The Catholic Church of St. Rita was established in Cottage Grove, Minnesota in 1966. Our current building was dedicated in September 1986 by Archbishop John Roach. We are a parish of approximately 1,450 families who strive to live our vision and mission every day.


St. Rita's is a parish where everyone has a chance to connect faith and everyday life. 


As a Catholic Community the parish of St. Rita is committed to:

  • Providing for the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
  • Celebrating the sacraments and prayer/worship life of the Church
  • Ministering to the pastoral care needs of our people
  • Providing for the Catholic Christian Faith Formation of our children, young people and adults
  • Working to promote the Gospel values of justice, peace, respect for life, family, outreach to the poor and care for the environment
  • Building a strong, Christ-centered community where ALL are welcomed, valued and empowered to share their gifts and talent.

We ask the blessing of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we connect faith and life as we live out this mission in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Adopted by St. Rita's Parish Pastoral Council in 2015

Visitor Information

See some common questions and answers below, or call us at 555 555-5555. 

  • When are services?

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  • When is confession available?

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  • What should I wear?

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  • How do I get to the church?

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  • Where should I park?

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  • Where do my children go?

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  • Am I expected to put money in the offering?

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  • Is there a wheelchair accessible entrance?

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