Safe Environment Requirements for Volunteers
A key to our commitment to promoting a safe environment in our parish and community is for all persons in positions of trust in regard to minors and vulnerable adults are to complete the requirements as set forth by the Archdiocese of St Paul & Minneapolis. The requirements include 1) a completed background check, 2) a signed Code of Conduct, 2) and safe environment training (VIRTUS), with re-credentialing required every three years.
You can complete the requirements at . If you are a new volunteer, follow the Virtus Account Registration Guide. If you are a current volunteer, follow the Virtus Re-credentialing Guide.
All adult volunteers in this Archdiocese who have contact with minors and/or vulnerable adults are required to:
These are mandated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for volunteers and staff alike to help protect children and vulnerable adults entrusted to our care. Some examples of volunteers who need to attend a VIRTUS session are:
If you would like more information about the safe environment policy and requirements, please contact Kathy Raible at or visit the Archdiocese's website at
Important Documents and Forms
Registration Instructions for New Volunteers
Log-in Guide for Current Volunteers
Requirements for Youth Volunteers
Code of Conduct for Youth Volunteers
St Rita's Safe Environment Coordinator is Kathy Raible. If you have questions regarding Safe Environment requirements or the credentialing process, please contact her at or call her at the parish office 651-459-4596.
Victim Assistance Hotline: 651-291-4497
If you or anyone you know has been the victim of abuse by clergy or any employee of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, your first call should be to local law enforcement authorities. Then please call the number above to report the abuse.